Wednesday 6 May 2009

Choice of Photographs

I chose this picture because I felt that it would appeal to my intended audience and the style of magazine I was producing. The hand pose relates to it being a rock magazine.

I used photoshop to manipulate her. I used the magic wand tool to take away the majority of the blue background then I used the eraser tool to take away the remaining blue bits which the wand could not remove without cuting bits of my model out.

I chose this picture because she is in action with the microphone and also has an attractive face and appealing clothes which will appeal to my intended audience as most girls who see attractive models aspire to be like them. I decided to crop her body to remove the bottom half as I only wanted to use the top half of her.

I chose this picture to use as the front cover of my article because I felt the pose was striking and would encourage the audience to read on because the article was about this model.
When I manipulated her I had to use the clone tool to create hair because when I was cutting out the model It was impossible not to cut her hair out.

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