Thursday 22 January 2009

I produced this front cover as my practice one in october last year. As you can see there are many improvements for example the cutting out of her head. I also took the picture myself this helped develop my knowledge of photoshop.

Results of questionaire
1. What kind of music magazine do you prefer?
13-21 boys-1
13-21 girls-15
13-21 mixed-4

2. How much would you spend on a magazine?
£1.50-£2.50 -15
£2.50-£3.50 -3
£3.50+ -2

3. How often do you buy magazines?
Once a week - 16
Twice a week-2
Once a month -1
Other -1

4. What music magazine do you prefer?
Smash hits-12

5. Should I include a competition in my contents page for my audience to win?
No -2

6. What sex of model should I use?
Males -6

7. What do you prefer?
Pop - 6
Rock -8
Dance -3
RNB -2
Hip hop -1

8. What would convince you to buy a new music magazine?
Free tickets -5
Meet stars -5
First look at new music -2
Free cd’s -5
Free downloads -2
I tunes credit -1

9. What do you use to listen to music?
I pod-10
Cd player-1

10. What would you like to see?
Up and coming-5
New bands-5
Club scene-4
Music industry gossip

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