Thursday 29 January 2009


As part of my planning I asked forty people who I consider to be my audience I asked what they would like to see in there music magazine, the results are shown below.

Circle the answer which you choose:

1. What kind of music magazine do you prefer?

13-21 boys
13-21 girls
13-21 mixed

2. How much would you spend on a magazine?


3. How often do you buy magazines?

Once a week
Twice a week
Once a month

4. What music magazine do you prefer?

Smash hits

5. Should I include a competition in my contents page for my audience to win?


6. What sex of model should I use?


7. What do you prefer?

Hip hop

8. What would convince you to buy a new music magazine?

Free tickets
Meet stars
First look at new music
Free cd’s
Free downloads
I tunes credit

9. What do you use to listen to music?

I pod
Cd player

10. What would you like to see?

Up and coming
New bands
Club scene
Music industry gossip

This is the questionnaire that I will be handing out to a small group of people

Thursday 22 January 2009

Prelimenary work

This is my contents page I produced it on photoshop and have used the same conventions as a real magazine. I like the faded background as it is a nice colour I also like the title and the font. However I do feel I could of done alot better.
After looking back at my perliminary work it looks un professional and untidy.There hasn't been enough stories featured in the contents page and the cutting out is very unacurate.

I produced this front cover as my practice one in october last year. As you can see there are many improvements for example the cutting out of her head. I also took the picture myself this helped develop my knowledge of photoshop.

Results of questionaire
1. What kind of music magazine do you prefer?
13-21 boys-1
13-21 girls-15
13-21 mixed-4

2. How much would you spend on a magazine?
£1.50-£2.50 -15
£2.50-£3.50 -3
£3.50+ -2

3. How often do you buy magazines?
Once a week - 16
Twice a week-2
Once a month -1
Other -1

4. What music magazine do you prefer?
Smash hits-12

5. Should I include a competition in my contents page for my audience to win?
No -2

6. What sex of model should I use?
Males -6

7. What do you prefer?
Pop - 6
Rock -8
Dance -3
RNB -2
Hip hop -1

8. What would convince you to buy a new music magazine?
Free tickets -5
Meet stars -5
First look at new music -2
Free cd’s -5
Free downloads -2
I tunes credit -1

9. What do you use to listen to music?
I pod-10
Cd player-1

10. What would you like to see?
Up and coming-5
New bands-5
Club scene-4
Music industry gossip

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Analysis of front covers
As you can see there is a total of 4 pallet colurs used this is because it makes the magazine look professional. It is very crowded however there is no text covering the models face. A celebrity has been used which in affect will reel the audience in as he is an attractive model who females will want to read about.The front cover uses a medium shot of the main article. This is a typical magazine convention. The use of bright pink and yellows stereotypically have connotations of femininity. This is post feminine.
The larger text shows the most important stories, whereas the smaller font headlines are in bold which makes it stand out still.

By looking at this magazine I can tell that it is popular as the models face is covering the title. They have used three colours (red,white and black) this is so the magazine looks more professional. I think the colours used are feminine and this is emphasised by the woman on the front cover. The model on the front cover is modelling a sexy pose which will appeal to a male audience.

Looking at the front cover I can see four colours are used( purple,white,yellow and pink) these are stereotypical feminine colours. there is limited use of fonts the text is placed around the model so the audiences focus is on the model. the writing never touches the models face. Limited colour schemes are typical conventions for magazines. The model is a popular celebrity who is also attractive which appeals to the target audience. Tthe title vixen is in bold writing which makes it stand out and catches the audiences eye. The models expression on her face is sexual therefore will appeal to the male audience.