Thursday 20 November 2008

Rolling stone

sexualised model on the front cover to attract the readers. colour scheme fits well together. They've only used a certain ammount of colours because it creates a better design. Theres lots of text on the page so that it fills up but theres not too much. You no that it is a popular magazine because the models head is covering the title yet people still no what magazine it is. The title is bold and stands out.

Amy's media blog

for my media project I am going to be producing a music magazine based on rock and dance as they are popular styles. I want my magazine to be unique and have a professional look.

I like this magazine as it has a big bold title which stands out, i would like my title to also use bold writing. The colours capture your attention and the model, text colours and background all fit together. they've filled the page efficiently so that it is not over crowded.